Main function. Get metadata from wikiaves from a set of terms.
wa_metadata(term, tm = c("s", "f"), verbose = TRUE, download = FALSE, path = getwd(), mp3_file_name = "{label}-{id1}.mp3", parallel = 1, metadata_sys_sleep = 0.1, download_sys_sleep = 1e-04, force = FALSE)
term | character vector with the terms to be searched by wikiaves API. Can be a full species specification or just part of it, eg. c("megascops choliba", "strix h"). |
tm | sound ("s") or photo ("f") |
verbose | boolean. Should it give extra information during the process? Default to TRUE. |
download | boolean. Should the files be downloaded? Default to FALSE. You can choose to download later by using wa_download() function. |
path | character. A string specifying the place to store the MP3 files if download is set to TRUE. |
mp3_file_name | character. A 'glue'-like format string with the pattern of the names of the mp3 files. |
parallel | integer. Number of cores for parallel processing. |
metadata_sys_sleep | numeric. A time offset to avoid exploding wikiaves' server. |
download_sys_sleep | numeric. A time offset to avoid exploding wikiaves' server. |
force | boolean. If mp3 exists, should it be overwritten? If set to FALSE it will download non-existing or zero sized files only. Default to FALSE. |